Powerfleet’s Partner Conference
November 12-14, 2024 | Two Oceans Aquarium, Cape Town
November 12-14, 2024 | Two Oceans Aquarium, Cape Town
November 12-14, 2024 | Two Oceans Aquarium, Cape Town
Abba is the Managing Director of Best Practices Limited in Nigeria. Best Practices Limited provides Digital Integrated Fleet Solutions in Nigeria. These include robust tracking packages, fleet and driver management solutions as well as consultancy services.
Abimbola is a Research and Business intelligence officer at Best Practices Limited. She speaks English and Yoruba. Best Practices Limited provides Digital Integrated Fleet Solutions in Nigeria. These include robust tracking packages, fleet and driver management solutions as well as consultancy services.
Adeolu is a Key Account Manager at Best Practices Limited. He speaks English and Yoruba. Best Practices Limited provides Digital Integrated Fleet Solutions in Nigeria. These include robust tracking packages, fleet and driver management solutions as well as consultancy services.
Sayed is a Manager at Binlori Trading and Contracting co (BLTCC) and speaks English and Hindi. BLTCC is a fully comprehensive fleet management solution provider in Qatar.
Agata is a Product Manager at Drabpol. She speaks Polish and English. Drabpol provides customers with the highest quality products, solutions and services to increase passive safety in land and air transport. They operate in Europe, India, Australia and Brazil.
Ahmedou is the Managing Director at ALCOM Energy Services. ALCOM is an integrated energy service company, which provides assistance and solutions to the natural resources sector, as well as support for clients’ projects in West Africa. They are located in Mauritania.
Al-Moctar is the Technical and Administrative Manager of Techninov SARL (part of SOS Electronics) in Niger. SOS Electronics is a service company in Security, Telecommunications, IT and electronics. They operate in Gabon, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Niger.
Ali is the General Manager for ControlTech. They operate in Kenya.
Alison is the Human Resources Manager of Tectra Telematics. Tectra has been specialising in Off-Highway Telematics for years, ranging from warehouses to mining/construction and agriculture. They operate in South Africa.
Alexandra is a Business Development Manager at Szanyo. She speaks English and German. SZANYO Property Managing Ltd. provides real estate, construction, accounting and fleet management services and operates in Hungary.
Diakite is the General Manager at SIGS. He speaks French and English. SIGS offers products and services relating to Fleet Telematics and Driver Safety. They operate in Guinea.
Angela is the CFO for Primeira Linha. Primeira Linha has been a long-standing partner and services provider of MiX Telematics (now Powerfleet) solutions. They specialise in Tracking, Telemetry and Vehicle Insurance and operate in the Southern region of Brazil.
Ansou is the Technical Director for On Track. They operate in Senegal.
Asuman is the CFO for Ausis A.S. Ausis is delivering top quality vehicle and driving safety services together with sector specific telemetry solutions and operates in Turkey.
Belinda is the Financial Director at Airco. AIRCO deals in a vast range of automotive Solutions for its customers and has been in business since 1963. They supply Tracking Systems and Instrumentation in Australia, New Zealand and Caledonia.
Bo is the CEO of Etelävartiointi Oy. He speaks English, Finnish and Swedish. Etelävartiointi Oy operates in Finland.
Camila is responsible for Digital Marketing of SYSCAF. She speaks Spanish and English. SYSCAF specialises in Fleet Management Digital Transformation with a focus on connecting data with opportunities of efficiency and savings.
Camilo is the CEO of SYSCAF. He speaks Spanish, English, French and understands Portuguese. SYSCAF specialises in Fleet Management Digital Transformation with a focus on connecting data with opportunities of efficiency and savings.
Chris is the Director - Implementation, Sales & Technical of Sendem. He speaks English and Greek. Sendem provides Tracking Systems and Fleet Management Solutions in Zimbabwe.
Christiegayle is a Senior Client Liason Officer at Master Systems. They specialise in fleet tracking and fleet management solutions, as well as fuel management & fuel facilities engineering and installation and services. Master System operates in Papua New Guinea.
Dan is the Owner of BTS Fleet. They operate in the UK and Kazakhstan, and specialise in IVMS, Fleet Management, Driver Safety and Telematics.
Daniel is responsible for IT at Guinosco. They are based in Angola.
Désiré is the Operations Manager at Control Parks. Control Parks specialises in Fleet Management, focussing on optimising fleet management from location management to driver fatigue. They operate in Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, Niger and Ghana.
Essam is an Operations Manager at Fundamental Information Technology (FIT). He speaks Arabic and English. FIT provides fleet managing and monitoring solutions. They operate in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE and Jordan.
Éverson is the Owner and Partner of Primeira Linha. He speaks Portuguese, Spanish and English. Primeira Linha has been a long-standing partner and services provider of MiX Telematics (now Powerfleet) solutions. They specialise in Tracking, Telemetry and Vehicle Insurance and operate in the Southern region of Brazil.
Frank is the General Manager of Transfleet Services Limited. They operate in Uganda.
George Herbert is a Director at Teletrac Fleet Solutions. They are a specialized telematics and vehicle tracking fleet management solutions provider and operate in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.
Gerhard is a Director at HyperAuto. He speaks Afrikaans and English. HyperAuto specialises in Fleet Management and Vehicle Tracking, and operates in South Africa.
Giovana is the CMO at Primeira Linha. Primeira Linha has been a long-standing partner and services provider of MiX Telematics (now Powerfleet) solutions. They specialise in Tracking, Telemetry and Vehicle Insurance and operate in the Southern region of Brazil.
Guy is a Manager at Control Parks. He speaks French and English. Control Parks specialises in Fleet Management, focussing on optimising fleet management from location management to driver fatigue. They operate in Togo, Benin, Niger and Ghana.
Harold Richardson is the Managing Director of Master Systems. They specialise in fleet tracking and fleet management solutions, as well as fuel management & fuel facilities engineering and installation and services. Master System operates in Papua New Guinea.
Hendrik is the Operational Director at IQTech. He speaks Afrikaans and English. IQTech specialises in R&D and fleet solutions, such as DVR, dashcams, fuel probes, tracking as well as time & attendance solutions. They operate in South Africa.
Hicham is a Manager at Farep. Farep operates in Morocco.
Jean is the Managing Director at ETS DIGITALINFOCOM. They provide Fleet Telematics and driver safety services in Cameroon.
Jeremie is the Managing Director of Komatel. He speaks French and English. Komatel sells geolocation solutions, fuel inventory tracking and develop applications and reports to build customer loyalty and support. They operate in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia and Central African Republic.
Jonas is the Head of Customer Success for Kienzle Automotive GmbH. He speaks German and English. Kienzle Automotive GmbH is based in Germany and their product and service portfolio ranges from VDO/Kienzle tachographs, which have been well-known for decades, to complex telematics systems for controlling and optimizing vehicle fleets. They operate mainly in Germany.
Josepine Patience is an Associate Director of Teletrac Fleet Solutions. They are a specialized telematics and vehicle tracking fleet management solutions provider and operate in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.
Joshua is a Service Delivery Manager at Best Practices Limited in Nigeria. Best Practices Limited provides Digital Integrated Fleet Solutions in Nigeria. These include robust tracking packages, fleet and driver management solutions as well as consultancy services.
Juan Felipe is the R&D Manager at LAP Technologies. He speaks Spanish, English, French and Portuguese. LAP Technologies makes use of telemetry solutions to monitor vehicles and electrical equipment to help their customers improve productivity, safety, maintenance, and energy efficiency. They operate in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Republica Dominicana and Central America.
Julian is the Head of Sales for Kienzle Automotive GmbH. He speaks German and English. Kienzle Automotive GmbH is based in Germany and their product and service portfolio ranges from VDO/Kienzle tachographs, which have been well-known for decades, to complex telematics systems for controlling and optimizing vehicle fleets. They operate mainly in Germany.
Esther is the General Manager at Control Parks. Control Parks specialises in Fleet Management, focussing on optimising fleet management from location management to driver fatigue. They operate in Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, Niger and Ghana.
Karel is the Managing Director of LimPro. He speaks Afrikaans and English. LimPro provides Fleet Management and custom-built automotive systems and solutions in South Africa.
Kevin is the Managing Director of Fleet Integrations. They are responsible for provisioning of In Vehicle Safety Systems specialising in IVMS and GPS Tracking in Australia.
Khosi is a Fleet Consultant at Instrument & Control Systems (ICS). She speaks English and Isizulu. ICS provides Fleet Management Services in Eswatini.
Kris is the Vice President Drabpol. He speaks Polish and English. Drabpol provides customers with the highest quality products, solutions and services to increase passive safety in land and air transport. They operate in Europe, India, Australia and Brazil.
Louis is a Director at Sure Solutions. They operate in the UK.
Luis is the CEO at Chip2Chip. They specialise in telematics services in Spain, with a focus on the waste management industry.
Maher is the Managing Director of Fundamental Information Technology (FIT). He speaks Arabic and English. FIT provides fleet managing and monitoring solutions. They operate in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE and Jordan.
Marilou is a Sales Manager at Binlori Trading and Contracting co (BLTCC). BLTCC is a fully comprehensive fleet management solution provider in Qatar.
Matthew is an Account Manager at Intellifleet. They provide IVMS solutions to various industries including Agriculture, Transport and Mining and operate in Australia and the USA.
Mick is the Operations Manager at Intellifleet. They provide IVMS solutions to various industries including Agriculture, Transport and Mining and operate in Australia and the USA.
Michael is the Director for Finance and Marketing at Veriserv. He speaks Afrikaans and English. Veriserv specialises in Vehicle Subscription Solutions, Business and Asset Finance, Risk Mitigation & Asset Management solutions. They operate in South Africa.
Michiel is a Business Development Manager at HyperAuto. He speaks Afrikaans and English. HyperAuto specialises in Fleet Management and Vehicle Tracking and operates in South Africa.
Monique is a Branch Manager for Cellstop in Namibia. She speaks Afrikaans and English. Cellstop provides comprehensive fleet management services in Namibia. This includes anything from installation and maintenance of devices, to providing services associated with these products.
Morné is a Director at Veriserv. He speaks Afrikaans and English. Veriserv specialises in Vehicle Subscription Solutions, Business and Asset Finance, Risk Mitigation & Asset Management solutions. They operate in South Africa.
Mustafa is the CEO for Ausis A.S. Ausis is delivering top quality vehicle and driving safety services together with sector specific telemetry solutions and operates in Turkey.
Nicolene is a Director at LimPro. She speaks Afrikaans and English. LimPro provides Fleet Management and custom-built automotive systems and solutions in South Africa.
Noel is a Director at Innotec. They operate in Burkina Faso.
Olalekan is a Fleet Manager IT Consultant at Total Nigeria for Best Practices Limited. Best Practices Limited provides Digital Integrated Fleet Solutions in Nigeria. These include robust tracking packages, fleet and driver management solutions as well as consultancy services.
Oujan is a Director at LSC Fleet Management. He speaks English and Afrikaans. They provide premium Fleet Management Solutions in Botswana.
Pablo is the General Manager at LAP Technologies. He speaks Spanish and English. LAP Technologies makes use of telemetry solutions to monitor vehicles and electrical equipment to help their customers improve productivity, safety, maintenance, and energy efficiency. They operate in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Republica Dominicana and Central America.
Patrik is a Sales Manager at Etelävartiointi Oy. He speaks English, Finnish and Swedish. Etelävartiointi Oy operates in Finland.
Paul is the Managing Director at Airco. AIRCO deals in a vast range of automotive Solutions for its customers and has been in business since 1963. They supply Tracking Systems and Instrumentation in Australia, New Zealand and Caledonia.
Penny is a Manager Lowveld Vehicle Recovery. She speaks Afrikaans and English. Lowveld Vehicle Recovery provides Truck Stop, Vehicle Recovery and Fleet Management services in Mpumalanga (South Africa) and Mozambique.
Peter is the Finance Director of Sendem. He speaks English and Greek. Sendem provides Tracking Systems and Fleet Management Solutions in Zimbabwe.
Peter is the Managing Director of Tectra Telematics. Tectra has been specialising in Off-Highway Telematics for years, ranging from warehouses to mining/construction and agriculture. They operate in South Africa.
Pradeep is the Operations Manager at Emco. Emco provides Fleet Management Services in Tanzania.
Ramatoulaye is the General Director for On Track. They operate in Senegal.
Rashidi is a Sales Manager at Emco. He speaks English and Swahili. Emco provides Fleet Management Services in Tanzania.
Remy is the Head of Fleet Management Department at SETER. He speaks English, Arabic and French. SETER offers a wide range of products and services in a variety of industries. Solutions include, but are not limited to vehicle tracking, fleet management, automotive & industrial parts,motorcycle parts and accessories, fuel management sensors and solutions and more. They operate in Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Qatar.
Richard is a Sales Manager at Future Fleet/Orcoda. They develop transport management software and provide telematics solutions in Australia.
Robert is the CEO and Founder of Ecofleet. He speaks Czech and English. Ecofleet specialises in value added GPS tracking services for all kinds of vehicles including trains. They operate in the Czech Republic.
Romuald is a Technical Manager at S.A.T.F. and speaks French. S.A.T.F. provides geolocation services and integration of electronic security systems in the Congo Republic.
Ryan is a Senior Engineer at Airco. AIRCO deals in a vast range of automotive Solutions for its customers and has been in business since 1963. They supply Tracking Systems and Instrumentation in Australia, New Zealand and Caledonia.
Samir is responsible for Customer Support at ControlTech. They operate in Kenya.
Samuel is an Executive Director at Steehold. They operate in West Africa and is based in Ghana.
Sanju is a Managing Partner and Account Manager at KCA Global Gen. Trading Co. W.L.L. (KCA Global). He speaks English, Hindi and Malayalam. KCA Global is a worldwide established company formed in 1985 in the fleet management of vehicles and drivers from all backgrounds from sales, support installation and software development for all clients. They are present in the UK, Cyprus, Kuwait and India.
Shahnaz is a Business Development Manager at Fundamental Information Technology (FIT). He speaks Arabic and English. FIT provides fleet managing and monitoring solutions. They operate in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE and Jordan.
Shina is the MD-CEO of SALCOMMS KWIK XTRA LIMITED. SALCOMMS provides fleet optimization, business insights, growth acceleration, and team synergy solutions to various organizations across different sectors and regions in Nigeria.
Siphesihle is the General Manager at Instrument & Control Systems (ICS). He speaks English and Siswati. ICS provides Fleet Management Services in Eswatini.
Staffies is the Director of Control Fleet Services and Lowveld Vehicle Recovery. He speaks Afrikaans, English and isiZulu. Control Fleet Services provide the following services in South Africa and Mozambique: Truck Stop, Vehicle Recovery and Fleet Management.
Tariq is a Director at Ajira Connect. They operate in Kenya.
Tayo is a Senior Service Delivery Manager at Best Practices Limited and speaks Yoruba and English. Best Practices Limited provides Digital Integrated Fleet Solutions in Nigeria. These include robust tracking packages, fleet and driver management solutions as well as consultancy services.
Tchabodi is a Tracking Manager at SOS Electronics and speaks French. SOS Electronics is a service company in Security, Telecommunications, IT and electronics. They operate in Gabon, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Niger.
Tekeiber is an Office Admin and Sales Specialist at ALCOM Energy Services. She speaks English, French and Arabic. ALCOM is an integrated energy service company in Mauritania.
Tetevi is the Assistant Director of SOS Electronics and speaks French. SOS Electronics is a service company in Security, Telecommunications, IT and electronics. They operate in Gabon, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Niger.
Tim is a Key Account Manager at Intellifleet. They operate in Australia and provide IVMS solutions to various industries including Agriculture, Transport and Mining.
Usman is responsible for Digital Marketing at Best Practices Limited. He speaks Yoruba. Best Practices Limited provides Digital Integrated Fleet Solutions in Nigeria. These include robust tracking packages, fleet and driver management solutions as well as consultancy services.
Wally is the Financial Director at IQTech. He speaks Afrikaans and English. IQTech specialises in R&D and fleet solutions, such as DVR, dashcams, fuel probes, tracking as well as time & attendance solutions. They operate in South Africa.
Wassim is the CEO of FMSI. He speaks English and Arabic. FMSI specialises in Fleet Management and Asset Tracking, and operates in the following countries: UAE, Oman, Iraq, KSA, ERBIL, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Jordan.
Kevin is a Director of Fleet Integrations. They are responsible for provisioning of In Vehicle Safety Systems specialising in IVMS and GPS Tracking in Australia.
Wilder is the General Manager at PS Tech. PS Tech is a Peruvian company that distributes telematics systems. They provide their clients (including fleet managers, directors and chiefs) with the right tools to not only meet, but also exceed safety, efficiency, compliance and sustainability goals.
Wilson is the Operations Director at Transfleet Services Limited. They operate in Uganda.
Yousef is the CEO and Owner of Binlori Trading and Contracting co (BLTCC) and speaks English and Arabic. BLTCC is a fully comprehensive fleet management solution provider in Qatar.
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