Solutions for Oil, Gas, and Chemical

Energize your operation with safer employees, higher utilization, and enhanced sustainability

Increase the Safety and Performance of Your Hazardous Material Transportation Fleet

In the complex business of transporting hazardous materials, safety is critical. Overlooking safety measures can result in severe consequences, including cargo loss and environmental damage — or worse, employee harm. However, achieving fleet safety is difficult when you’re operating large, mixed fleets of high-value assets in remote and challenging locations.

While safety is paramount, so is the pursuit of operational excellence, which requires constant commitment to efficiency, productivity, and sustainable practices. Succedding in these areas is crucial for minimizing environmental impact and aligning with ever-evolving global and local standards.

Powerfleet enables you to manage all your fleet assets and resources on a single platform to lower costs, improve efficiency, and create a safer environment for your employees. — helping you stay compliant with industry standards and regulations while facilitating safe and efficient transportation.

With Powerfleet’s Unity fleet intelligence platform, you can access real-world, decision-grade insights to help you:

  • Enhance employee safety
  • Reduce risk, costs, and liability
  • Extend vehicle and asset longevity
  • Boost asset utilization and productivity

Common Challenges We Can Overcome Together

Concerns About Driver
Safety and Accident Risk

Employee safety is vital. So is ensuring the safety of your fleet personnel, particularly when rapid responses are required. Not being able to monitor your drivers’ behavior or understand what events are causing accidents can pose a significant danger to the public as well as to your employees and vehicles. Ensuring their safety is a constant concern, as is mitigating risk and liability resulting from accidents.

With Powerfleet, you get a clear view of driver behavior so you can improve driver coaching, address risky behaviors, reduce and prevent accidents, avoid litigation, and protect your drivers. Receive real-time, in-cab insights on driver behavior and history — including speed, impacts, driver fatigue, and more — to develop driver scorecards and coaching opportunities. Additionally, advanced video capabilities and analytical data can help you comprehensively understand what happened before, during, and after accidents so you can reduce litigation risks and exonerate drivers who are not at fault.

Controlling Vehicle Costs
While Maximizing Efficiency

Operating a fleet in your industry can be expensive due to fuel costs, maintenance, and the need for specialized vehicles and equipment. Optimizing routes, reducing idle time, and monitoring fuel consumption are vital for cost control. Additionally, industry cyclicality can lead to fluctuating demand, making it challenging to maintain a cost-effective fleet size while still meeting operational requirements.

Powerfleet’s data-driven insights from engine diagnostics enable proactive and preventative maintenance scheduling to help you reduce breakdowns and unnecessary services while increasing fleet efficiency and performance. Powerfleet also reveals driver behaviors that negatively impact fuel consumption. By reducing excessive idling and revving you can boost your fuel economy and minimize your environmental impact. You can also access data on every vehicle’s age, total cost of ownership, and miles per gallon to see which vehicles may be a good fit for moving to electric.

Navigating Compliance

Addressing the challenge of the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) rule and managing compliance with the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) amongst other global and local regulations can be difficult. You may also be doing your compliance monitoring and checklists manually, whether in writing or verbally, which can lead to errors and potential penalties and litigation.

Let us simplify and streamline your compliance efforts by automating accurate data collection and reporting through our in-cab Compliance and Workflow Managementsolution. It complies with ELD regulations and enables efficient Hours of Service (HOS) management, as well as streamlined Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIR) — helping you to adhere to regulatory requirements, proactively address compliance issues, and reduce the risk of penalties and litigation.

Lack of Visibility and Asset
Tracking in Remote Locations

Ensuring your assets are in the right place at the right time is crucial for efficiency and productivity. However, many oil, gas, and chemical operations take place in remote and challenging environments, including offshore platforms, remote drilling sites, and rugged terrain. Tracking and managing your vehicles and equipment in these areas can be exceptionally difficult due to limited connectivity, harsh weather conditions, and a lack of real-time visibility.

Powerfleet provides you with complete fleet visibility and real-time, real-world insights so you can optimize asset utilization, enhance resource allocation and deployment, and reduce expenses. You can streamline operations, improve route management, and ensure rapid responses. Plus, you’ll have the data intelligence and usage patterns you need to uncover dangerous activities and hidden expenses related to off-business usage, unauthorized driving, geofence entries or exits, idling, and dormancy. You can also deter theft and quickly recover assets if stolen.



Managing the complexities of government mandates for ESG reporting and fleet electrification is no small task. To successfully meet these requirements and fulfill your company’s sustainability goals, you need clear, up-to-date information and insights around fleet efficiency — down to every vehicle.

To help advance your green agenda, we provide eco-scoring insights to help you decrease fuel consumption, carbon emissions, and wear and tear of vehicles. In addition, you’ll have insight into your fleet’s efficiency — including vehicle age, total cost of ownership, and miles per gallon — which enables you to see which vehicles may be a good fit for moving to electric.

Mixed Fleet of
Various OEMs

It’s common to have a mixed fleet of various OEMs. However, manually gathering, monitoring, and interpreting data from an array of different systems results in incomplete insights, biased decisions, and operational inefficiencies.

Our OEM-agnostic platform, Unity, takes on the heavy lifting by ingesting data from all your disconnected data sources, including Powerfleet IoT devices, 3rd party devices, OEMs, and business systems. Unity transforms this data into real-world, decision-grade insights so you can make more informed decisions — and feel confident about expanding your fleets in whatever way benefits your operations. Our solutions are easy to install in any type of vehicle or equipment, and fast to implement as you bring in new vehicles and equipment.

Data-Powered Solutions to Help You Succeed

Increase Safety and Security

  • Utilize real-time driver monitoring and livestream data from dash cameras to swiftly identify risky driver behavior. Enable proactive driver coaching, minimize accidents, and better protect your drivers.
  • Gain comprehensive safety insights through real-time alerts, diverse maneuver monitoring, and a dedicated driver app to reduce incidents that could result in accidents. Map high-risk areas and improve real-time management and safety of your vehicles and drivers in these regions.
  • Use our accident reconstruction insights to understand what happened before, during, and after an accident to establish its true cause and potentially mitigate liability. Enhance incident management and accelerate accident resolution to reduce downtime.
  • Enhance theft recovery capabilities with accurate, real-time location information, enabling you to act swiftly and recover stolen assets

Reduce Expenses with Advanced Fuel Management

  • Improve fuel efficiency by up to 20% through real-time coaching based on driving behaviors and data-driven insights. Actively cut costs and reduce environmental impact.
  • Use advanced fuel monitoring to immediately detect and address fuel theft, safeguard resources, and maintain operational integrity.
  • Use proactive management strategies to achieve fuel consumption sustainability goals within your fleet operations.

Lower Costs and Boost Performance

  • Leverage predictive maintenance insights based on live engine diagnostics to enable proactive and preventative maintenance scheduling. Ensure assets are serviced neither too frequently nor infrequently and avoid unnecessary maintenance costs.
  • Access real-world usage and historical data to reduce downtime, prevent breakdowns, ensure vehicles are in top condition, and keep critical vehicles ready for service.
  • Optimize your fleet vehicles’ performance, extend their lifespan, and enhance their overall efficiency while managing your fleet more cost-effectively.

Strengthen Regulatory Management & Compliance

  • Automate compliance workflows with our in-cab Compliance and Workflow Management solution, which complies with Electronic Logging Device (ELD) regulations and enables efficient Hours of Service (HOS) management.
  • Streamline your driver vehicle inspection reports (DVIR) by automatically recording HOS, vehicle engine data, movement, and miles driven using ELDs.
  • Easily generate detailed IFTA-compliant reports for tracking fuel consumption and mileage data across state and provincial lines, simplifying tax documentation.

Improve Visibility and Resource Management

  • Gain complete fleet visibility to make informed decisions, respond effectively to emergencies, and improve overall operational efficiency.
  • Optimize resource allocation and utilization by more efficiently assigning vehicles and personnel.
  • Ensure accurate vehicle locations and optimize response times. Support better task execution and boost productivity.

Enhance Sustainability Efforts

  • Minimize your fleet’s environmental impact with eco-scoring insights. Use vehicle emission and fuel consumption data to decrease fuel consumption, vehicle wear and tear, and carbon emissions for cleaner and more eco-conscious operations.
  • See which vehicles may be a good fit for moving to electric with insights into vehicle efficiency, including age, total cost of ownership, and miles per gallon.
  • Reduce your carbon footprint, meet ESG goals, and demonstrate your sustainability commitment.


Empowering safer, more efficient operations

Vehicle Gateway Enterprise

Intelligent Fleet Management with Dual CAN Interface


In-Vehicle Video for Complete Fleet Operations Visibility

Compliance and Workflow Management

Multipurpose In-Cab Solution Set: ELD/HOS, DVIR, Navigation, Workflow Management and Document Management

Benefits Oil, Gas, and Chemical Companies Love

Enhance Employee Safety

Leverage our data-driven safety solutions to prevent costly accidents and potential lawsuits, safeguarding your drivers, company, and stakeholders.

Reduce Risk, Costs, and Liability

Use Unity’s livestream data to monitor driver behavior and enhance driver coaching to reduce accidents and fuel costs; and use vehicle location insights to protect your assets.

Extend Vehicle and Asset Longevity

Reduce downtime and manage your maintenance operations based on real-time, real-world usage and history to ensure you don’t overspend and can extend the life of your resources.

Boost Asset Utilization and Productivity

With Unity, you know where every asset is, its condition, and how best to use it for maximum ROI. Use this visibility to uncover inefficiencies, streamline operations, and increase productivity.


Explore these resources developed just for you

Explore What’s Possible with Powerfleet

Find out how our user-friendly fleet intelligence platform, Unity, can help you save lives, time, and money.